How often do you scrutinize the ingredients of the food you are eating but not the ingredients of your moisturizer or cleanser?
It means shops are awash with products calling themselves “organic”, even if only a very small percentage of a product’s ingredients were organically farmed.
We can absorb harmful chemicals from the environment through ingesting them, inhaling them or through our skin.
According to the Centre For Disease Control and Prevention this can show itself in several different forms on the body including:
- Dermatitis,
- Skin cancers,
- Skin infections,
- Skin injuries
Check out this website from Breast Cancer UK, listing research on why to not use makeup with chemicals in it:
Beware of high street products that claim to be ’natural’ and ’pure’ – these words mean nothing at all!
Also be wary of products now claiming to be paraben and sulphate free – this seems good for us right? But if you read the labels, they have just replaced one bad chemical with another and the overall product is no better for our health.
Check out this Breast Cancer Action website listing paraben free cosmetics:
Pharmaceutical companies continue to sell products that are harmful to both us and the environment – does money really influence politics, environment and our health this much?
You have probably heard of the link between Johnson&Johnson talcum powder and ovarian cancer which they continue to deny and claim their product is safe – see this website for information on talc:
Please look at Johnson and Johnson website and you can search for the talc stories:
They have now lost 22 different lawsuits from individuals who have managed to prove that using their talcum powder caused them to get ovarian cancer, leading to a $4.7 billion pay-out!! These individuals managed to prove that the particles from the talc can travel from the genital area through the vagina, uterus and fallopian tubes into the ovaries where they can inflame. Check this out on this website:
It is terrifying to think I used to put this over my babies to make them feel soft and smell nice!!!
Do your own research on the products that you are using for you and your family, don’t leave it up to beauty companies to falsely sell you the advertising of a product they need you to buy….
I love companies like Tropic skin care which are 100% organic and have a shelf life of 1 year. https://tropicskincare.com/pages/natalieclaytonshephe
I also love Neals Yard. https://www.nealsyardremedies.com/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwnpXmBRDUARIsAEo71tRnus6U_Dkmi5cIpI4zR5AuDUtWfxOuPHkMPL8XiDGB_MwvR-CVhm0aArH4EALw_wcB
I use Rosehip Oil on my face morning and night and it feels wonderful! It absorbs quickly so I can put my foundation on over the top. Don’t worry if you have oily skin already because it is a non-greasy oil so it is suitable for all skin types. Studies have proven it helps skin renewal, scars, elasticity and the fine lines on my 40 year old face – sold! I dispense mine into this amber bottle so I can more easily pipette the quantity I need.

It is also great for calming skin conditions such as rosacea, psoriasis, eczema and dermatitis. Need I say more!
Some people put a few drops in their normal moisturiser which I think is a lovely idea but I prefer to put it straight on my face and neck!
I buy natural sheep’s soap from Pirbright market which is so deliciously creamy on the body and softens all hard and cracked skin from my heels within a week! Lanolin is the naturally occurring fat in wool and it has many beneficial attributes; it is gentle, rich and soothing and helps keep skin hydrated.
If you go to your local farmers market I am sure you could pick some up too…
I love Burts Bee’s beeswax lip balm, it is so moisturizing and doesn’t have a strong smell or taste.

I have so many natural products I love; I couldn’t share them all on here but join me and be aware of what is in the products you buy…
I know reading the labels can be overwhelming but it doesn’t have to be.
There is a great free app “Thinkdirty” which lists thousands of products and rates them from 0-10 on how clean they are ( 0= the best). Give it a try…
Also this website is great for seeing the full ingredient list of most brands, if you know what you are trying to avoid
Look for certified bodies such as The Soil Association on products
The Soil Association is just one of a number of governing bodies that exist to ensure that 95% of all ingredients in any product labelled organic are actually organic and also cruelty-free, sustainably sourced and traceable, following green chemistry principles.
The main stamps to look out for are the Soil Association’s COSMOS organic-certified products; ECOCERT, a French certification body; Biogro, New Zealand’s alternative and Natrue’s internationally recognised “organic cosmetic” category.