Cleaning Chemicals and Cancer Links

The phrase “you are what you eat” is very well known, but did you know that you are also what you digest and absorb? Ingestion, inhalation and absorption are the three ways that these hazardous substances may enter the body.

Cancer now affects 1 in 2 of us and if I can make a little difference to the amount of harmful chemicals that my family are in contact with then I will.
Check out some of the worst offenders below to see if they are in your everyday cleaning products, do your own research, and then make up your own mind if you want to continue to use them.

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Are the products you are putting on your body & face harming you?

How often do you scrutinize the ingredients of the food you are eating but not the ingredients of your moisturizer or cleanser?

It means shops are awash with products calling themselves “organic”, even if only a very small percentage of a product’s ingredients were organically farmed. 

Continue reading “Are the products you are putting on your body & face harming you?”

What you should know about Aluminium, Non-Stick pans and Cling Film

Aluminium Foil

Aluminium Foil

The higher the temperature you cook in, the more aluminium leaches into your food.  Acidic foods and spices can also make the aluminium leach into your food. Aluminium doesn’t seem to leach if you use the foil just to wrap food but I prefer not to take the risk!

Continue reading “What you should know about Aluminium, Non-Stick pans and Cling Film”